Updated and cleand up DokuWiki Sites

DokuWiki is my favorite quick and easy CMS. As a Wiki format it is a great place to collect notes and ideas. As a Content Management System (CMS) DokuWiki is very quick and easy to set up.

Updated and cleand up DokuWiki Sites

Guru42.net – is the daily dump – Keep theme the same for now, just use for updating notes. The Guru42 Universe Personal portal and braindumps wiki

Gu42.com – is the quasi static guide post and map – Remove template hooks and move to Gu42.us

Gu42.us – DokuWiki prototype and playground – Modified Flatly theme and uploaded to use on other sites.

The Guru checking in with the Word Press blog

Getting back, again, to looking at all my web domains. Revisiting this blog, perhaps as nothing more than a marker in time as the progress moving forward.

Another point to make is the comparison of CMS tools available. For example, this blog is using Word Press, the most popular blogging format.

Some say Word Press is the easiest to use. After not using this site in a few months, logging on and looking at the admin portal does not give me the impression of “easy to use. That’s a point to discuss in future posts.

I did see a few updates were needed, and updates are easy to do.

One last thought that comes to mind is categories versus tags, the use of one versus the other.

What is the difference between tags and categories in WordPress?


Categories are hierarchical, so you can sub-categories. Tags are meant to describe specific details of your posts. .

Categories are meant for broad grouping of your posts. Think of these as general topics or the table of contents for your site

Tags are meant to describe specific details of your posts. They are the micro-data that you can use to micro-categorize your content.

The Guru42 Universe

Welcome to the Guru42 Universe.

A Universe not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous Universe whose boundaries are that of imagination.

Since 1998, Tom Peracchio has created numerous websites to provide self help and tutorials for learning basic computer and networking technology concepts, maintaining the theme, “Geek Speak Made Simple.”

The Universe starts here with a discussion of the power and responsibility of using technology wisely.